What is Malegra FXT Plus?

Malegra FXT Plus is an oral medication that is used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It is a combination of two active ingredients, sildenafil and fluoxetine, that work together to help treat these two conditions. Malegra FXT Plus is available in generic form and is manufactured by several reputable companies.

How Does Malegra FXT Plus Work?

Malegra FXT Plus works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps you achieve and maintain an erection. The sildenafil component of the medication helps to relax the muscles in the penis, allowing more blood to flow to the area. This increased blood flow helps you achieve an erection. The fluoxetine component of the medication helps to delay ejaculation, allowing you to last longer during sex.

What are the Benefits of Malegra FXT Plus?

Malegra FXT Plus is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It helps to increase blood flow to the penis, allowing you to achieve and maintain an erection. It also helps to delay ejaculation, giving you more control over your sexual experience. Additionally, Malegra FXT Plus is available in generic form, which is much more affordable than the brand-name version.

What are the Side Effects of Malegra FXT Plus?

Like all medications, Malegra FXT Plus can cause side effects. Common side effects include headache, indigestion, flushed skin, and dizziness. If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Where Can I Buy Malegra FXT Plus?

Malegra FXT Plus is available in generic form and is available from many online pharmacies. It is important to make sure that you purchase Malegra FXT Plus from a reputable source, as there are some fraudulent websites selling counterfeit versions of the medication. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you purchase your medication from a pharmacy that is registered with the appropriate regulatory bodies.


Malegra FXT Plus is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It helps to increase blood flow to the penis, allowing you to achieve and maintain an erection. It also helps to delay ejaculation, giving you more control over your sexual experience. Additionally, Malegra FXT Plus is available in generic form, which is much more affordable than the brand-name version. If you are looking for an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, Malegra FXT Plus may be right for you.

Malegra FXT Plus 160mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
160mg × 20 pills$2.51$50.24+ Levitra
160mg × 30 pills$2.15$64.51$10.85+ Viagra
160mg × 60 pills$1.79$107.31$43.41+ Cialis
160mg × 90 pills$1.67$150.12$75.96+ Levitra
160mg × 120 pills$1.61$192.92$108.52+ Viagra
160mg × 180 pills$1.55$278.53$173.63+ Cialis
160mg × 270 pills$1.51$406.94$271.3+ Levitra
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